Sounding the alarm. Military spending nears historic highs, and climate change as a public health emergency.


This week, why 74 medical and health groups are calling climate change the   “greatest public health challenge of the 21st century.” How cutting the Pentagon budget will make the country stronger.  And Bill Press goes deep on religious freedom with Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.


Lindsay Koshgarian

President Trump and the Republican led Senate is pushing a bill that would increase military spending to over 750 billion dollars. Lindsay Koshgarian says the Pentagon’s budget is already near an historic high,  and cutting it down is the best path to real American security


Barbara Gottlieb

Dozens of the United States’ most prominent health organizations have come together to sound the alarm over climate change as one of the greatest threats to public health our nation has ever faced. Barbara Gottlieb says the time is running out to take action.


Rachel Laser

Bill Press talks with Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State about white evangelical support for Donald Trump and why Democrats need to talk more about religion.


Jim Hightower

America’s healthcare border raiders.