People Powering Change.  Teachers at the front line of progressive politics. Mothers leading the fight against gun violence. Plus Bill Press with Representative Jamie Raskin.


Mothers take on the gun lobby.  Plus, how a wave of teachers strikes in red state America is changing the political landscape. And on his new podcast,  Bill Press talks impeachment with Representative Jamie Raskin .


Shannon Watts

In the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook, Shannon Watts started a movement. Built on the fundamentals of grassroots organizing and the unstoppable power of mothers,  “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” now has 6 million supporters nationwide, with chapters in all 50 states. In a new book, she tells the story of its success.


Eric Blanc

In 2018, in some of the reddest states in our nation, teachers led  a series of walkouts demanding not only better pay for themselves, but better schools for the children they teach.  Writer Eric Blanc embedded himself in this unlikely and powerful rebellion for an inside view of a movement that has the potential to rebuild working class politics in America.


Jamie Raskin

Bill Press launches a new podcast with Congressman Jamie Raskin as his first guest. To hear more of this interview, visit


Jim Hightower

Did you get an $800,000 pay raise last year?