Democracy in crisis and how to repair the damage.  Plus, making the case for an impeachment investigation.  And Bill Press on America’s best and worst presidents.


Why over 100 organizations have signed on to a Declaration for Democracy. Plus,  a political historian on Donald Trump’s chances in 2020 and why an impeachment investigation is still a good idea.  And Bill Press with Brian Lamb on ranking the nation’s chief executive.


Lisa Gilbert

Our nation’s democracy is in crisis,  and Lisa Gilbert says it’s time for an “arms race for reform” to save it. That’s why her organization and over one hundred others have signed onto a declaration to restore democratic values to American politics and government.


Allan Lichtman

Political historian Allan Lichtman’s system has successfully predicted the outcome of every presidential election from 1984 to 2016. And while it’s too early to predict 2020, he can say don’t rule anyone out, including President Trump.


Brian Lamb

Bill Press with C-Span’s Brian Lamb on his newest book “The Presidents: Noted Historians Rank America's Best--and Worst--Chief Executives”.


Jim Hightower

Dow Jones Average, why not the Doug Jones Average?