This week, nine years into Citizens United, how to turn it around. Plus, an update on the campaign to protect the census from a citizenship question.  And the Bill Press Show with a reality check on border security and why walls don’t work.


Joe Ready

We start this week’s show with an anniversary.  Nine years ago, the Supreme Court made its decision on Citizens United.  Joe Ready leads a campaign to overturn the decision and put an end to what he calls the “big money arms race.”


Dale Ho

The President remains intent on adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census.  The ACLU sued the administration to stop this plan. Our next guest explains why his organization made that move and how his organization will continue  to fight back.


Molly O’Toole

Bill Press talks with Molly O’Toole of the Los Angeles Times for an update on the so called “crisis on the border.”


Jim Hightower

The wall we need to build