What to fight for and what to fight against. The Green New Deal, a new NAFTA deal, plus Bill Press with Jim Yarmuth on the politics of the government shutdown and what it will take to stop it.


Why progressive democrats must fight for a better NAFTA deal. Why labor unions should fight for the Green New Deal. Plus, Bill Press on the wall, the shutdown, medicare for all, and more with  Representative Jim Yarmuth.

Lori Wallach

Sometime later this year NAFTA 2.0, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement is expected to go into effect. Is it better than the old NAFTA? Lori Wallach is a 25-year veteran of congressional trade battles starting with the 1990s fight over NAFTA. She says the new deal has a long way to go to repair the damage of the first.


Jeremy Brecher

Our next guest works at the intersection between labor and social movements. He says that what Roosevelt’s New Deal did for working Americans can happen again with the Green New Deal.


John Yarmuth

Coming up, Bill Press talks with Representative John Yarmuth about the political showdown over the wall and why he’s proud to get an F from the NRA.


Jim Hightower

Where is AI driving us?