Join us on Friday, May 8, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. for the next edition of our podcast, America's Community Voices Network, onBLOGTALKRADIO.COM, with our special guest the newly elected representative for the Florida State House of Representatives, District 61, Mr. Edwin Narain. Since his election to office during the last election cycle, the freshmen democrat has made his debut in the Florida State House with great distinction. He was the first freshman ever elected to lead theminority caucus (unprecedented) and he was the chief sponsor of a bill that was passed into law to provide critical training to police officers to recognize the symptoms of a diabetic episode. Known as "The Arthur Green Act," this critical bill was sponsored my Rep. Narain after Mr. Green's untimely during a traffic stop in which he was suffering a hypoglycemic episode. The police officers, through no fault of their own, did not recognize the symptoms and attempted to arrest Mr. Green for erratic and DUI driving. Mr. Green collapsed and died in what was at the least a highly preventable death.

To listen live and participate in the program please call (347) 857-3350 to ask questions or make comments or go to BLOGTALKRADIO.COM . To listen to the program after the live show, on demand listening will be available on BLOGTALKRADIO.COM, ITUNES and Facebook.