What can we as ordinary citizens do to impact elections? Everyone should take the time to vote and educate themselves about the candidates running for office at the federal, state, and local levels. 

But voting alone is not enough, especially when those opposing our Judeo-Christian values are well organized and often backed by philanthropists like George Soros, Chairman of the Open Society Foundation, who gives millions to organizations that hire people to knock on doors as part of an aggressive get on the vote movement for the  progressive agenda in America. Joining me today is Rick Potter. Mr. Potter is one of the founders of a grassroots organization, the Mighty American Strike Force, that recruits volunteers from around the country to deploy to battleground states in midterm and general presidential elections.  

For Further Insight:
Website: https://masf.online/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/mightyamericanstrikeforce.org/posts/
E-Mail [email protected]