Today we hear about a new meat study that challenges years of research that says meat is bad for your health. We also hear from Wendy Maltz, author of "The Porn Trap."

Is Eating Meat Really Bad for Your Health?

A new study challenges years of research saying eating meat can cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Is a plant-based vegan diet really all it’s cracked up to be? The truth may surprise you.

Wendy Maltz on “The Porn Trap”

In the second part of today’s show, we hear an excerpt from Tony Rezac’s Basecamp for Men podcast. He interviews Wendy Maltz, author of “The Porn Trap.”

They discuss the pitfalls of pornography, how it harms relationships, how to know if it has become a personal problem, and what to do if you suspect pornography has become an unhealthy choice. This is one of our top episodes so far with a topic that men need to know more about and get the straight talk about.

You can check out the rest of their interview here.