"I believe the whole general approach of talking to China is misguided, we have done this in the past so many times,  fool me once shame on you, fool me 627 times shame on me! -" Gordon Chang

Today’s Top Story | Interview with two China Experts on the US Trade Talks (0:11)

“I believe the whole general approach of talking to China is misguided, we have done this in the past so many times,  fool me once shame on you, fool me 627 times shame on me! -“Gordon Chang

Today we speak with two China Experts on the US-China Trade Talks and what this actually means for America and American companies.


Allen Zeng (Fang Wei), CEO of Sound of Hope, which is the largest Chinese language radio station in the US. Their goal is to bring the Chinese communities more into the American mainstream while exposing what the Communist Chinese Party is doing in the US and in China as well.







Gordan Chang, author is an American columnist, blogger, television pundit, author, and lawyer.[1] He is widely known for his book The Coming Collapse of China (2001), in which he argued that the hidden nonperforming loans of the “Big Four” Chinese state banks would likely bring down China‘s financial system and its communist government.





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Colorado Hit With “Bomb Cyclone”- One Trooper Killed (19:11)
Wednesday, a late winter blizzard hit the Rocky Mountains and Plains states. Meteorologists have called it a “bomb cyclone’ because of its high winds and drifting snow. The storm stranded motorists and caused the airlines to cancel more than 1,300 flights. The storm is also blamed for the death of a Colorado state trooper. CBS News had this report.

Trump Issues Order To Ground All Boeing 737 Max 8 Planes (20:33)
The President issued an emergency order on March 13th grounding all  Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft effective immediately. This comes in the wake of an Ethiopian Airline crash that killed 157 people.
Several other countries have already barred the Boeing 737 Max 8 from their airspace but until President Trump’s announcement, the Federal Aviation Administration had said that it didn’t have any data to show the jets were unsafe. President has thus cited “ new information” has come to light.

2,200  Quarantined In Mumps Outbreak At Immigration Centers (22:29)                                                                  Over 2,200 people in at least two immigration facilities have been exposed to the mumps virus. These facilities are now under quarantine said authorities on Tuesday. Enforcement officials have said that the 25-day quarantine began on March 7th at facilities in Pine Prairie, Louisiana, and Aurora, Colorado. The ICE officials said in a statement that its quick reaction has led to a low transmission rate and that it’s monitoring of detainees and employees for signs of illness at the facility and its measures taken to prevent the spread of communicable disease such as medical screening and full medical check-ups have helped the situation not get worse. Laura Lunn, managing attorney for the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network said, “ The most profound restriction is people are not being taken for immigration court. They aren’t able to move forward with their cases and it’s prolonging their detention.”Spokesperson Bryan D. Cox said 18 people have had mumps at the Pine Prairie facility. They come from eight different countries and were arrested between June of last year and January 2019.

Today’s quote is from  Rajneesh.
“True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into jail.”