In this first part of our Aloha Mini-Series, we recall our trip to Maui, where we celebrated 1,000+ downloads for Season 1. Maui was filled with magical moments that inspired us to our core. Our intention for today is to celebrate life and dive deep into understanding the meaning of Aloha. It’s time to embrace the present moment and live with unity, humility, and patient perseverance! 

Take inspired action:

- Celebrate all that you are in your own truth (tool: ask yourself, “Who am I?”).

- Practice humility even when it is difficult (tool: write down 3 similarities between you and someone who has caused you frustration).

- Bring presence into any activity that you do (tool: practice mindfulness during a simple, short daily activity, such as brushing your teeth).

Today’s key takeaways: 

(09:35) - What is the Aloha Spirit? Treat life and the universe with patience.

(15:40) - The deeper significance of “Aloha” as an acronym, and how it resembles our values as Ambassadors of Joy.

(18:30) - Ala, or watchful alertness: Amy’s feelings during our magical trip to Hawaii and waking up to the song of nature.

(21:04) - Lokahi, or working with unity: Priya on being one with nature (literally!) and getting out of our own heads.

(27:51) - Oia'i'o, or truthful honesty: Celebrate all that you are and your own truth.

(38:37) - Ha'aha'a, or humility: Practicing patience and non-attachment. Being there for other people with no judgment and understanding that we’re all the same.

(52:51) - Ahonui, or patient perseverance: Focusing on the joy rather than on the end result and being mindful while experiencing the present moment.

Episode Resources:

The Maharishi Effect - A Story of Food and Love, With Paddy Iyer

Eckhart Tolle: Who Am I? Guided Meditation 

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Image of Aloha Flyer (acronym)

Southwest Magazine Article

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Much love, Amy & Priya

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