In part two of my interview with Rick Cesari, we're going to be focusing on video marketing. With the help of direct response video marketing, Rick has helped Amazon Brands like Plugable, Sous Vide Supreme, Organify, and Dazzity launch and grow into immensely successful companies. If you missed part one where we talked about some more general principles of direct response marketing, check out If you're already caught up and ready to dive into all the fantastic information on video marketing Rick brings to the table, let's jump right in.

Why Video?
Every 30 days more video content is uploaded to the internet than the major TV networks have produced in the last 30 years. Video is powerful. Viewers retain 95 percent of the information presented in a video compared to 10 percent when reading the same information in a text format. Social video generates 1200 percent more shares than text and images combined. Video appeals to both sight and sound. Using a video in an email leads to a 200-300 percent increase in click-through rates. Including video on a landing page can increase conversions by as much as 80 percent. Using video on Amazon can increase your conversions by up to 20 percent. The statistics are everywhere. Video works. It's important to emulate the successes of industry leaders, and right now video marketing is the best tool out there.
How to Become Eligible to Use Video on Amazon
Use an Amazon Brand Page. You can find all the info on how to start your own Amazon Brand on with a simple search.
The Most Effective Videos for Converting Sales
Plugable, Lumen5, Sous Vide Supreme, Organify, and Dazzity all agree that customer testimonials are by far the most effective videos for converting sales. Testimonials serve to help consumers to overcome objections, build the credibility of the product or company, and provide social proof. When people are in a situation where they don't know how to react, they look to what other people are doing. Testimonials effectively bring about a herd instinct.
"Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd." P.T. Barnum
This quote fits flawlessly with Amazon. Reviews bring sales. Sales bring reviews. Utilize the positive feedback loop any way you can. Even back to the earliest days of Google, this concept has been pre-eminent. Bernie Thompson, founder of Plugable just so happened to write a book on the subject as it relates to Amazon called (LINK) Flywheels and Feedback Loops: A Guide to Success for Amazon Private-Label Sellers.

Certain marketing principles have always worked and always will work. Check out Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Marketing for a beginners guide to these principles.
Gathering Testimonial Videos From Your Customers
Obviously, these videos have to involve people who have used your product. Amazon makes this difficult, so having a communication channel off of Amazon is vital. One of the most significant faults of ecommerce businesses is a failure to reach out to their customers. What Rick does when he books testimonials is to have 10-12 people come to one location and spend the day talking about the product (about 30-45 minutes each).

These can serve as an incredible free focus group that can also provide testimonials. Just set up a camera, have the customer sign a waiver, ask them what they think about your product, and you're all set! Edit these pieces of content into a cohesive testimonial composition, and you have an incredible visual and sound byte that's sure to help your listings convert.

Even if you're running a small company with only a few sales, these pieces of video marketing content can set you apart from the competition.

Use an authentic spokesperson. You can do a better job of talking about your product and how you use it than anyone else can. People sometimes are afraid to get in front of the camera, but they can be the most authentic spokespeople.