Translating Amazon listings is really a challenge. It's tempting to just use google translate, but will it really bring you the best outcome?
Regular E-commerce and Amazon  translation comparison

Can’t you just use google translate?

Can’t you use Fiverr translator for Translating Amazon listings?

Even just a high-quality translator?

A lot of YLT’s clients have already had a translation done by someone on Fiverr.

They can’t just be regular translations. The style needs to be what the client wants.

A lot of clients want to keep the story-telling.

Localisation and keyword strategy placement and search terms on backends are critical in Translating Amazon listings.

“Red travel mug” is a keyword - the algorithm isn’t going to recognise the keyword and rank you for it.
You need fresh keyword research
“Please translate search terms”  - this is absolutely wrong!

You can lose a lot of time and page rank because of CTR being low.

Selling in new market, Amazon will give you a honeymoon period for a period. That is misleading.  

If after a month, if you use the wrong search terms for Translating Amazon listings.

Long-tail keywords are critical.
Regular translator and Google Translate
Emails, packaging etc. - anything non-keyword orientated.

Google translate is getting a lot better. But it’s risky to use for keyword research.

If you put “faucet” in Google translate into Italian, you’ll get something completely different - it’s not a “faucet” ie tap

You need the help of a native speaker.

Sometimes it is just completely wrong. Sometimes it won’t show the right product on Amazon.

You must always type it into Amazon!
Danish e-commerce example
Spring in a couch - somebody just used google translate - the result meant “Spring” as in the season of the year!

That can often happen - often you don’t know if a translator is using Google translate unless you speak the language like a native.

You need to hire a proofreader: translation it is very subjective so you need somebody else to check the work for Translating Amazon listings.
Keyword research
How do you deal with keyword research in different markets?

Love to use Helium 10  2-3 ASINs to try free

Sonar  gives some results - not as good as Helium10

Amz suggestion expander - Chrome extension

H10 may not be good if it’s unpopular among other sellers.

Say travel mug - keywords  that come before and after this - decent long-tail keywords

You don’t get search volume.

Long-tail keywords vs. Short tail keywords  - they mark it in red.

Clients don’t like repetition  - a lot of people send files
First steps

Find competitors

Volume per month
Their keywords
Go to “Magnet” in H10  - basic keywords  you want to rank for

Plus competitor keywords  (look at the title)

If it’s a popular product - look at 120-150 as a minimum result, 1000s is better

Check Competitor ASINs

Go to Cerebro 
”Get competitors”- 6-7 ASINS
Get keywords   - get excel sheet (Advanced)

Ranking competitors - at least 2
Search volume min. 150 - you get long-tail keywords
Don’t want single keywords

High search volume with nobody ranking - you should include in your title - this happens quite a lot
High traffic keywords  go into title if possible
Minimum 3 keywords  in your title

First 2 bullets  & description are critical
If you have product description (not Enhanced Brand Content, EBC) put high traffic keywords in the beginning.

That’s important because on amazon app on phone, headline, description, bullets.
Only issues are Mexican and Japanese markets
Have to manually look at the competition

Most tools don’t work there.

But Amz suggest expander works in Japan
Amazon Launchpad
Free services - “I don’t know if it’s any good”

It’s an automated translation - it’s no better than Google Translate.

It’s expensive to hire good native translators.