Will Christensen is the founder and CEO of DataAutomation.com, a software company that focuses on integration and automation for small and large scale businesses.

Automation is a necessity for your business, it helps you improve process control and reduce downtime and human error. 

Will Christensen will be sharing about E-Myth and the roles of an E-Commerce seller.

You’ll learn about:

How Will started his journey in Automation
The 3 distinct roles that have to exist in the business
Why Automation should be the Pivot point
The different hats an entrepreneur should wear
The importance of defining the process before automation
The role of a technician
What does seeing the future means for an entrepreneur
Why delegation is very important
The advantages of getting a Virtual Assistant

Next Steps:
www.dataautomation.com and use contact form

mention “Amazing FBA”/10K Collective Podcast

Interviews Related to Automation:

Multichannel Campaign Management with Rytis Lauris
Omni Channel Marketing with Rytis Lauris
Following up on Amazon Reviews with Automated Email with Henson Wu

Other Interviews from Will Christensen:

Automate, Delegate and Eliminate with Will Christensen from DataAutomation
Process Tools for Amazon Sellers with Will Christensen from DataAutomation

Watch The E-myth Revisited & the E-Commerce Seller with Will Christensen