January is the start of a calendar year. As such, it’s a traditional time for new year’s resolutions. But it’s also a lower-energy time of the year. As such, it’s a natural place to pause and reflect before moving on to the next round of activity.

The Start/Stop Keep process.

Rather than just planning future goals in a vacuum, it’s good to move from reflecting on the last year’s experience. Then it’s a much smaller, simpler job to move on to some plans for the new year.

There is a neat process of creating three lists that really helps with this kind of periodic review:
(By the way, it’s also a great plan to do this every 90 days ie every quarter too)

Here are my Start/Stop/Keep lists for January 2020 as an example:


10K Collective mastermind

(several members have been doubling revenue annually so far…)

Private Label Course (PLP) but iterate on it (See “Start” list)

Quality 1 to 1 Private Label/custom product mentoring clients

(with business experience and above all, realistic levels of capital)


The wrong Mentoring clients for Private Label

without enough capital for this business model; or with a big mismatch between ambitious goals and small capital

“Pure” Private Label as the end game

- it can often be part of developing a unique product; but in the end, customisation is the real way to get sustainable profits on Amazon


Partnerships with trusted partners:

Quality Retail/Online Arbitrage (RA/OA) service providers eg training, information for Online Arb etc.
Wholesale business model training with Dan Meadors of thewholesaleformula.com
Shopify (winningonshopify.com with Jason Miles)


Restarting the Million Pound Mastermind for sellers doing at least £100K a month($130K USD) per month or over £1 million per year
Starting the Six Figure mastermind for those doing at least $100K USD a year (so from $8.3K a month)


Version 2.0 of the PLP course (“Private Label Process”)
Blending off-Amazon
and on-Amazon marketing business models.
Watch How to make New Year Resolutions for Entrepreneurs