SEO Positioning can help leverage your Amazon business and is broader than any single platform. Dive into today's episode with Tommy Griffith.

Tommy Griffith founder of Clickminded and former SEO Manager at Paypal and Airbnb  - free mini-courses, free SEO strategy guide.

E-commerce focussed

Got ranked #1 on Amazon for keywords.

Was very interested in figuring out Amazon SEO. It’s been  1 ½ -2 years since done it.

What are the evergreen ranking factors on Amazon?

Tommy was interested in SEO since The Four-Hour Workweek (Tim Ferriss) 

Likes SEO on multiple platforms.
SEO defined
SEO is broader than any single platform.

Anything has to deal with the “document relevant query” involves SEO.

Commonest platforms include Google, Youtube or Amazon.

But also more specialist ones, like Apple App Store, Airbnb, etc.

What is a platform optimising for?

That’s what got Tommy interested in Amazon.

He co-owned a business until a couple of years ago before exiting to his co-founder [ie selling the business to his business partner]

The co-founder was American,  based in China, interested in products, 3PL freight etc.

Good partnership because Tommy was into SEO on Amazon & digital marketing generally.
How does Amazon organise and rank documents?
Google is the most complex search engine with the most ranking signals to help you with SEO Positioning.

All the other one's distant second.

On all other platforms than Google, it seems one key metric is critical.

On Amazon, SALES trumps all!
A lot of straightforward things they did that worked for ranking on Amazon: 

Primary keyword in the title
Weave primary keywords into bullets, desc etc
Get a handful of reviews mentioning the primary keyword
Doing anything to drive reviews

“Barnacle SEO”
Latch onto bigger players which helps you in your SEO positioning.

Eg: Yahoo Answers (back in the day, don’t do it now!)

Used to rank top of Google - be the highest rated comment.

The modern equivalent might be Quora or Yelp.

Amazon is one of the most authoritative sites and best-optimised for conversion out there.
Canonical URL
Driving google traffic to your Amazon listings can be a powerful way to approach Amazon traffic.

The ability to change the canonical URL is very valuable in SEO positioning.

Have a primary URL for your page; you can change it up if it isn’t working.
How to find the Canonical URL
On a high level, if you open up the source code “View source”.

Type in Command [Control]+F (find) for “canonical” and you’ll see the canonical tag.
How canonical URLs work with Search Engines.
That helps search engines handle duplicate content in SEO positioning.

If there are 100 shoes at a store - multiple permutations of pages.

Eg: search by size 8,10,12; red, black, brown; men, women’s.

The canonical URL makes it way easier for Google to make sense of pages.

The canonical tag on Amazon  is similar to your title (truncated) - remove stopgap words like and, it’s etc etc

That will end up in Google’s index.

For a detailed blog article by Tommy on Clickminded’s blog click here:

Canonical URL

SEO Risk on Google vs. Amazon

On Google you boost your domain - if you go too aggressive, you’re at risk of being hurt.

On Amazon, you can be quite aggressive and change the Canonical tag with minimal risk of being indexed.

If you change your primary title, that changes the canonical URL - kind of like starting over.

If you’re new to internet marketing, it’s really powerful!

Even if you did shady backlinking, Google is not going to de-index Amazon, because it’s an incredibly high-authority domain. So this protects your own product listing pages on Amazon.

How should we think about Amazon vs. Google?

Broader internet marketing - who are your audiences and what is their intent?

SEO is about capturing intent.