Dave Storey was a product manager who focuses on quality supply chain and project management.  He had a business valued at 1M and decided to make it bigger.

Amazon FBA Build to Sell focuses on building and selling amazon businesses and helps other people do the same.

On this podcast, Dave Storey talks about what the Amazon business buyers are looking for and the things that you should be working on.
You’ll learn about:

The kind of business that buyers are looking for
The elements that a seller should be working on
The importance of financial planning
The key factors for optimizing the growth and value of your business
Elements that could increase your multiplier
The importance of understanding the factors that affects
Identifying the right elements to focus on for your business
The importance of creating a master plan
Reasons why people drops a plan

Other Interviews of Dave Storey:
Build to Sell Amazon Business with Dave Storey

Building an Amazon Business to Sell with Dave Storey

Watch Qualities of an Amazon FBA Business for Selling with Dave Storey