Eco Brothers have a factory in Yunnan South China and they do custom packaging for Amazon sellers.

Simon marks out the reasons why packaging matters in online business. It not only gives customers their first impression of the product but gives them an unboxing experience which excites them and makes them feel good about the product.

If you want to get in touch with Eco Brothers, click here.


For more packaging ideas, check out Packaging Pro.

Learn how to make the difference your brand needs. Download the complete guide on how to choose the right materials, packaging structure, and art finishing for your brand:

Download the FREE slide here

You'll Learn:

Why packaging matters
The big mistakes of packaging
The kinds of paper/cardboard to use for the particular products
That there is more demand for eco-friendly packaging 
How to save money by working on the dimensions of your packaging
The best process for sourcing packaging
The importance of Art finish visual differentiation