As an e-commerce brand owner, you know that product development is crucial to the success of your business. However, developing a new product from scratch can be a daunting task. In this article, we will discuss some product development hacks that can help you scale your e-commerce brand with minimal capital.

0:00:00 | "Developing a Skin Care Brand: A Step-by-Step Guide"
0:02:51 | Exploring Options for Developing a Skincare Product
0:04:16 | Exploring the Radical Path of Formulating Skincare Products at Home
0:08:13 | Exploring Radical Business Practices in the Skin Care Industry
0:13:08 | "Exploring the Benefits of Building a Brand vs. Private Labeling on Amazon"
0:14:15 | Exploring the Benefits of Having a Complimentary Team for Product Development
0:15:46 | Heading: Understanding the Basics of Website Design and Influencer Marketing for Entrepreneurs
0:17:21 | Conversation on Understanding Products and Hiring the Right People
0:19:04 | "Understanding the Necessity of Outsourcing and In-House Specialists for Business Success"
0:21:09 | Conversation Summary: Balancing CEO and COO Roles in a Small Business
0:26:28 | Conversation on Setting Clear Expectations for Employees and Establishing Long-Term Relationships
0:28:39 | Conversation on Product Development: Process, Results, and Time Management
0:30:12 | Exploring Strategies for Faster, Better, and Cheaper Product Development
0:31:36 | "Exploring the Benefits of Researching Competitors' Products and Services"
0:33:22 | Exploring the Mindset of Product Analysis and Customer Experience
0:36:13 | Exploring the Benefits of Meticulous Research: A Conversation with [Name]
0:37:50 | "The Benefits of Thorough Product Testing: A Conversation with [Name]"
0:39:25 | Interview with Jake from Crete Brand: A Passionate Entrepreneur's Journey to Success
0:41:26 | Conversation on Crete Club and Business Advice
0:42:15 | Interview with Jake Rosenberg of Crete Club: Achieving Success Through Hard Work and Thoroughness

Finding Your Niche/Brand

The first step in product development is finding your niche/brand. Your brand should be something that resonates with you personally and solves a problem. Jake, the founder of Scare, had a mark on his nose from a skiing accident and was using whatever shampoo smelled nice. He realized that there was a gap in the market for men’s skincare products that were easy to use and efficient. This led to the creation of Scare, a skincare brand for men that only takes 30 seconds to use.
Appealing to a Specific Set of Values and Behaviors
It is essential to have a specific set of values and behaviors that you appeal to when developing your brand. Scare is centered around the idea of efficiency and saving time. Most men don’t want to spend 30 minutes in the bathroom, while some women actively enjoy the experience. Scare’s 30-second skincare routine appeals to men who want an easy and efficient solution to their skincare needs.
Fast Wins
Every product that you develop should give your customers a fast win. Scare’s products are designed to give customers a positive experience in the first minute of use. This is important because people are more likely to continue using a product if they see results quickly. A gym membership, for example, can be challenging to stick to because people don’t see results immediately. Scare’s products give customers a fast win, which keeps them coming back.
Value Equation
The value equation is a critical component of product development. The value equation is the dream outcome multiplied by the perceived likelihood of achievement divided by the time delay and effort and sacrifice. Scare’s products deliver a fast win, which increases the perceived likelihood of achievement. The 30-second skincare routine is also easy to use, reducing effort and sacrifice.
Credibility of Your Promise
It is essential to establish credibility with your customers.