Private Label Strategy - Who do I learn from? 
 This mini-series is based on the  Amazing FBA “Build”  10 Step PDF Guide,  which is a Private Label Strategy guide.
It's NOT tactical and immediate.

It IS a framework you can hang your other Amazon business-building tactics on.
Click here to download the free PDF
The 10 steps to building an Amazon Private Label business
Step 1 - what we all know - but don’t do! (More in a second on this)
Step 2 - how to learn more from $600 than $6000 (launch in phases)
Step 3 - The NSL process (how the overall phase works)
Step 4 - Avoid wasting $5000+ (classic errors)
Step 5 - Why “Product Research” Fails (and what to do instead)
Step 6- The keys to great sourcing
Step 7 - The New “old-school” Launch method that works
Step 8 - Finding buried Treasure in your Amazon business (measuring & understanding)
Step 9 - When to scale up (and when not)
Step 10 - The 3 Cs to Success with Amazon Private Label (the framework you need to BUILD a business as a solopreneur)

Who should you Learn From?
Expert modellers
NLP founders, Bandler and Grinder, weren’t experts in many areas - they were experts at modelling (the True meaning of NLP according to many).
“Those who can’t, do; those who can, teach”
…Well...yes and no.
Sure, you need to learn from someone who has learned how to do things themselves from real experience. However, simply following peak performers is not enough. Peak performers often have extreme talent and quite some luck too. The best football (soccer or American Football) coaches are not necessarily - or even often - those who were outstanding players. Coaching and training is a different art than performing, and the same is true in business.
Who NOT to follow for your Private Label Strategy
FaceBook groups are like bin-diving

There may be value in some groups - but be selective
Much of what you hear is from the “Amazon Echo Chamber” (Will Tjernlund’s phrase)[LINK to Goat Consulting]


Absorbing info in bits means you have to integrate it

But if you’re new, what are you integrating it INTO?

There are multiple ways to do anything

Following 10 people means having 10 views on how to do it all
Distilling your own model from scratch costs time  - and time=opportunity cost

In the end, you need to have clear structure

Private Label Courses and “Gurus”  
Basing things on reading/learning only is too abstract

Not doing it yourself you don’t know what it FEELS like

That means you can’t deal with the psychology of fear and greed - which is critical
It’s hard to get people to trust you if you haven’t done something yourself

Also it’s sometimes impossible to judge “Facebook warriors”

Based on 1 seller’s  experience is too narrow

Each market (category on Amazon) is different

Some are more seasonal eg toys
Some are problematic because of low demand (eg UK)
Some are hyper-competitive (eg supplements; eg USA)

Success once or twice can be just luck - and luck is not a strategy!
Particular times had particular ease eg starting in 2013 - strategy needs to work now

Based on success from five years ago is out of date

Amazon changes rapidly
Whole strategies that worked 5 years ago are a disaster now
Tactics that were powerful to use 3 years ago would get your Amazon account permanently suspended now

Here’s what our work is based on:

Selling on Amazon personally for about 4 years
Interviewing serious power sellers - mostly American - for the podcast (about 3 ½ years)
Private connections in the UK to Power Sellers (over £100k/month)  (for about 3 ½ years)
The 10K Collective Masterminds (collective turnover around £12/$15 mill a year) This group, which I've run since Sept. 2017, is full of power sellers. The most successful sellers in that have about doubled turnover since they joined (just about 22 months ago)