Christian has spent a lot of time dealing with confused and overwhelmed clients looking for direction. There’s no lack of information out there on the internet; you can find essentially anything on YouTube. The problem for most seems to be a lack of direction. That’s where Escape The Rat Race comes in to help you generate passive income.

Whether it’s getting fit, becoming wealthy or overcoming fears, the vast majority of people express a strong desire to help others as a means to passive income. Coaching businesses, health and fitness businesses, even Amazon based businesses... whatever the niche, the business model is the same: find an interest with enough people willing to pay you money for your products and/or services and deliver.
How to Cut Through the Confusion
The world hasn’t changed much since the 1937 release of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The keys to success remain the same: have a burning desire and belief in yourself, be confident and collaborate with successful people who can help you grow as an entrepreneur.

Christian put together this Five-Step Freedom Formula to clarify the path to success:

Foundation: Getting Clear on Where You are Right Now and Where You Want to Be
Flow: Understanding Your Strengths; Unlocking the Genius Within
Finances: Familiarizing Yourself with Your Current Financial Situation
Fear: Overcoming that Doubtful Little Voice Inside Your Head
Focus: Identifying Which Strategies are Right for You

Keep an eye out for Christian’s new book coming soon: How to Sack Your Boss and Start a Business You Love
Passive Income Training Collaboration Workshop
Christian and I are thrilled to announce that we’ll be collaborating on an all-encompassing full-day Amazon Training Workshop. For the first time ever we’ll be offering an in-depth course for people who are serious about looking at Amazon as a strategy to transcend the rat race. We’ll be covering everything from product research and acquisition to sales conversion and everything in between. The class will include everything you need to get started as well as membership to my concept-proven masterminds and even an hour of personal mentoring by yours’ truly.  

Make sure to listen to this episode for 3 pieces of wisdom Christian has gained from some noteworthy guests of his own podcast: Roger Hamilton, Daniel Priestley and Dr. John Demartini.

Watch Escape the Rat Race with Christian Rodwell Part 2 of 2