In Business, Clarity=Speed & Security. So how do you get clarity?
Experiencing things out for yourself is the only real way to learn. However,

living in a fog of confusion is not going to enlighten you.

Reinventing the wheel is terrible for your peace of mind. Better to model

success in an efficient form. You can have much better experience & learn


It also wastes precious time. (If you have a product that makes you $5000 a

month, a 6-month delay just cost you $60,000 in lost sales)

The Solution for Clarity: The 3 C’s - Course, Community, Coach
Most other sellers I know, both power sellers and those just starting out with

their first few thousand a month, have found the same.

Those three things are a Course, a Coach & a Community.

You may say that I’m biased since I (now) offer all three.

Fair. However, the reason why my experience as an Amazon seller,

especially early on, showed me that I needed all three.

I’m scratching my own itch (which I advise you to do as well.)

For newcomers to e-commerce, a course is the best investment. Coaching is a

bigger investment but will help you move the needle faster and save a lot of

wasted time and money. If you are about to source product or launch, even

one or two sessions with a competent coach could save or make you $1000s.

Sure, we have a course. (you can find out more here). We’ve worked hard to

make sure it covers what you genuinely need to know.

Two things to particularly look out for in an Amazon course:

Sourcing from China is complex. Any training needs cover it in detail.
Be wary if you are being asked to go from no Amazon experience at all

straight into putting down $6000 on an order. Trust your common sense.

Check out the Private Label Process here

I personally took on an excellent Amazon coach fairly early on in the game.

My only regret is that we didn’t have a more formalised, committed process.

Sure, she cost good money but it moved me out of the soup-like state that

could exist for months on my own.

I currently also work currently with an excellent eCommerce coach. Thanks to

a longer-term commitment, we’re moving the needle together much more.

Like everything else I’ve created, I make what I wish I’d personally had

available at the start of my selling journey. (Check out what I offer here)

There are a growing number of Amazon coaches. Get to know people from

their free content. Be wary if they are basing their training on their own

narrow success with one product category.

Above all, make sure they have a clear structured process. Diagnosing before

they subscribe; goal clarity’ and accountability are critical features of

professional coaches and consultants.

Go in with your eyes open and apply common sense.


Chosen well, a good coach can make sure you focus on what is most likely to

move the needle. And make sure you actually get the work done. This, perhaps

above all else, is the most valuable function of a coach for new sellers.


Explore working with Michael here

Watch my full interview with Only Connect