You might not know it, but the model photography on your Amazon listing is more important than you think.This could make or break your sales.

Daisi Pollard of 

Daisi is a “Modelpreneur” - former Miss Jamaica, Founder of My product which is an agency for eCommerce entrepreneurs to get incredible photography; also the founder of “Brazen Influencers”, an agency that links eCommerce sellers and influencers.  
Why use a model?
This is a big debate. A lot of eCommerce sellers just put up photos.

A lot just use the manufacturer's photos - that doesn’t differentiate you, you need to model photography on your Amazon listing.
Clients - newbies
A lot of clients are new to space - looking for hand-holding. 

A lot are new to entrepreneurship in general 

- it’s a side hustle 

Or quit 9-5

What are the classic mistakes?
They make a lot of mistakes in the beginning. 

Having had these guys as clients Daisi has learnt they don’t know what they’re doing!

They have watched a youtube video or read a book and want to do everything. 

They don’t realise how many small projects are within a bigger project.

You firstly need to know who is a suitable model. 

Conveying a message about someone who has an issue with their product 

You need to put it in their demographic  - say a working mum, sitting 

Someone who looks like a mum or who looks like a working woman.

Need to do a before and after photo. 

Hunched over the desk  before
Sitting up straight after 
Carrying a baby - very taxing on the back - women learn that (whether mother or not), Purse, groceries
After: performing her duties better.

The model must be relatable. 
What are the classic issues for new entrepreneurs?
A lot are new to entrepreneurship in general 

- it’s a side hustle 

Or quit 9-5

They make a lot of mistakes in the beginning. 

Having had these guys as clients Daisi has learnt they don’t know what they’re dong!

They have watched a youtube video or read a book and want to do everything. 

They don’t realise how many small projects are within a bigger project.Z

Eg: white image - the product should be 60% of it.

Not familiar with post-production tools like photoshop etc. 

It’s a lot to learn for the first time out. And that’s the time they could be spending marketing product, or building a better business.
Why use a professional model
Using a professional model especially fashion especially on Amazon and Etsy.

They know how to show clothing - posing is a skill and art at the same time. 

Your beautiful girlfriend may not show that on camera other than her being beautiful. 
What do you do? 
Create content for eCommerce companies

Social media
Etsy, Amazon, eBay
Shopify stores
In-store posters, display banners etc. 

Also copywriting
Have done video and content for service-based companies sometimes eg: testimonials.

Video with eCommerce has been slow to evolve but it will be the next big thing in 2020.
What are the other big issues?
First Image

First image - trying to touch out the background around the model or the product to get a pure white background. 

That looks bad! Especially if left rough edges. 

Consumers are now very image aware. 

Using manufacturer photos is also terrible - we know where the photos came from 

Eg: bodycon dress on Amazon - different listings with same photos. 

In future Amazon, will probably enforce very specific rules around that in future. 

“Garlic press” is another classic - these are the same generic photos again. 

You need to be creative in how you use the first image listing.  
Don’t just use only product photos
Use case photos.

Lifestyle photos.

Lose weight, make money, find love are perennial markets - if you can link into any of those things, you are tapping into strong drives. 

Even if you use a garlic press. 
What are “lifestyle photos”?