For e-commerce brand owners, scaling their businesses with limited capital is a constant challenge. While a fantastic product is crucial, bringing it to market at the right time and price is equally important. This is where building strong supplier relationships becomes essential. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery, meet quality standards, and offer competitive pricing, all of which are critical for success.

Time Stamp
[00:00:00] Introduction To The Podcast Episode About Developing A Product From Concept To Delivery.
[00:02:30] Importance Of Focusing On The Product As The Heart And Soul Of The Business.
[00:05:00] Discussion On The Concept Phase: Understanding The Market, Identifying Customer Needs, And Creating A Clear Brief.
[00:08:45] Importance Of Defining The Product's USP (Unique Selling Proposition) And Value Proposition.
[00:11:30] Transitioning From Concept To CAD Design And The Importance Of Collaboration Between Designers And Engineers.
[00:14:00] Discussing The Prototyping Phase, Including The Use Of 3D Printing For Early Product Testing And Iteration.
[00:16:45] Importance Of Human Testing And Gathering Feedback From Users During The Development Process.
[00:20:30] Further Discussion On 3D Printing For Prototyping And Testing Products In Different Materials.
[00:21:48] Importance Of Sitting With CAD Designers During The Design Process And The Value Of Physical Prototypes.
[00:23:23] Example Of Getting Products Into Consumers' Hands For Testing And Feedback, Especially In The Cosmetics Industry.
[00:25:51] Importance Of Finalizing Branding, Packaging, And Production Terms Before Committing To Production.
[00:28:20] Discussion On Quality Control Measures, Including Outgoing Quality Control (OQC) And Supplier Due Diligence.
[00:30:24] Importance Of Supplier Due Diligence And Considerations When Selecting Suppliers, Including On-Site Visits And Audits.
Why Strong Supplier Relationships Matter
Bonnie Hall, founder of Census8, emphasizes the importance of supplier relationships, especially for startups. Suppliers are the backbone of your brand, impacting everything from product quality to pricing and delivery. Even with a great product, if you cannot get it to your customers on time and at a competitive price, your success will be limited.
The Product Development Journey Begins
The product development process starts with understanding your target audience and competitors. Research who your ideal customer is and analyze existing products in your chosen category. This helps you identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.
Consumer Research: Identifying Your Target Audience
Conduct thorough consumer research to understand your target audience's needs and preferences. Analyze trends, read customer reviews, and identify areas where existing products fall short. Based on this research, create a clear picture of your ideal customer and why they would choose your product over the competition.
Adapting the Approach for Established Businesses
For established e-commerce businesses transitioning from reselling to developing their own brands, the focus shifts to specific goals. You might prioritize reducing out-of-stock situations (OOS), achieving better pricing through higher minimum order quantities (MOQs), or managing longer lead times. Researching competitor packaging and visiting trade shows can provide valuable insights during this stage.
Developing New Product Lines for Existing Brands
When developing a new product line for an existing brand, start by outlining your desired outcomes. Do you want to modify an existing product, create a completely new one, or simply rebrand and repackage an existing item?
Choosing Between Redesigning and Developing from Scratch
The decision between redesigning and developing from scratch hinges on several factors, including cost, desired speed of market launch, and product category. For instance, in the cosmetics industry,