Creating video for Amazon sellers requires a lot of trial and error. Rick talks about how to get viewers hooked on your videos.

New Book: “Video persuasion”
Video is becoming a real necessity if you’re using it to help sell a product /generate leads.  It’s not about the technical aspects.

There are lots of software tools. But content is more critical and more neglected.
Content  is king 

What to put in the video

To engage the viewer quickly
How to keep them interested.
How to structure Call To Action

But what content should you use?

style="font-weight: 400;">How do you hook them in?

What content is most appealing?

How do you use video to get people to take a specific action?
What is Direct Branding?
Sell the product first, get it into the marketplace and improve the brand with a response from the marketplace.

You get two results:

Improve the brand

Having run a marketing agency for years. Rick is doing more writing, speaking, consulting.
Products =branding
We forget the power of word of mouth - reviews and social media amplify this.

Having products out in consumers’ homes is great brand awareness and engagement!
Rick has set a goal to write five books In the next 5 years!

Working with Jason Boyce doing $20M a year - launching products

Goal setting and conversation point here.

“The difference between an idea and action…”

Even in business, a lot of people fall down. They don’t take the steps.

Setting goals and acting on them is really important.
What to put in the video
Rick did a lot of research using stats from Cisco and Hubspot for the book.

There are 3 most effective types of videos based on the videos:
Top 3 most effective types of video?

Tutorial (how-to)

These are the most important to put on your website or on Amazon.

Demo + Test is really powerful to sell products.

They’ve seen conversion rate increases with clients
What are the steps to create great demo videos?
It sounds simple to make a demo video - but there’s more to it.

Rick worked on direct response TV - the production money gave a discipline that showed what got people to respond.

Create really great demo videos.
What are the principles?
This holds true for both video and even still images…

Many Amazon listings could be much better at converting.
The human element in still images
A lot of people take a product and we see very cold images of the product.

If you can incorporate a human element - using the product - even a body part like a hand etc. - it goes a long way to helping these things convert.
Graphics and titles
If you can create a product image with infographics in it, where title calls out benefits of the product, that helps with conversion.

Rick works with Amazon agency - including infographics with benefits in images
Adding titles to videos - if it’s on a social media channel where people have it muted, it becomes more important.

Some video production companies stumble - they feel it will ruin the look of the video.

That is wrong - people watch to get information, so it’s pointless not communicating.
Demonstration video nuts and bolts

Let people know upfront what video is about
GoPro commercials - everyone started with a Go-Pro logo so people knew it was about that product!
The goal is not to get everybody watching to watch video
It’s to get people who are invested in the product
Put user-generated footage eg snowboarding
End with an offer

No Call To Action!
Many sellers forget to add a Call To Action. It makes no sense at all to get consumers excited to buy and don’t give them a path to action.

Even if it’s simple like 10% off, Buy One, Get One Free, etc.

Brand and response are not mutually exclusive! Always be sure to go for a response!
Why lead with the brand?
Clients don’t have $100 millions of dollars for advertising!