Ah! China. The starting point… and the bane ….of every Amazon seller.

On the one hand, we've all learned to source from China as a source of an endless variety of products that can be efficiently manufactured and made reliably and in big quantities.

On the other, pretty much every Amazon seller has been around for a while now is that trying to compete on Amazon with Chinese factories is one of the hardest battles there is in business.

So what to do?

Well, one excellent solution is to source in India. Immediately, this gets around the trade tariffs the US put in place against the Chinese over the last few years.

But to stop there is to miss a huge opportunity.

Not only is there a trend against China from the US government, and a massive oversupply of cheap Chinese products on Amazon. There is a global backlash from consumers against mass-produced products and unethical sourcing.

Step in Rural handmade goods. Billed as the “Alibaba for handmade” or perhaps better,  “Etsy for businesses”, Rural handmade is riding a global consumer wave towards ethical, local sourcing and sustainable materials.

The founder and CEO of Rural Handmade, Konark, talks to us about the opportunity all e-commerce sellers have to ride the trend by sourcing from smaller rural makers.

You'll Learn:

The COVID situation in India
What Rural Handmade is trying to do
Why people are becoming protective of their brands
What people really want
The importance of multiple branding
The trends in handmade and Amazon in 2021