You've presumably at some point commuted for work or travelled for work. I certainly have. I would often do that for not a lot of money and I would do it repeatedly to earn a living. Assuming you were reliable, you were achieving a simple short-term goal: turning up at work.

And yet when I look back over the preceding years or decade and the short term goals I had for my life in business, I would say, well, how come I haven't achieved those? I haven't been reliable for myself doing big stuff with big payoffs myself. And yet I've been reliable for some petty stuff for other people. Why that difference? Well, let's explore that today.
The 10K Collective Mastermind
Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon.

Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven-figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind.

It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching.

If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, just go to to find out more today.
Becoming as reliable for your own short term goals as you were for others
You've presumably at some point commuted for work or traveled for work. I certainly have. Imagine that we, we think back to when I would rush out of one bit of work, jump on a bike, risk death, drive, cycle through the rain- welcome to London- jump into a crowded train having hustled past the barriers and the idiots that always seem to be in the way in London and then folded my bike up, got on the train, folded it out the other end and went somewhere else.

That sounds exhausting and I would often do that for not a lot of money and I would do it repeatedly to earn a living.

And yet when I look back over the pre preceding years or decade and the big goals I had for my life in business, I would say, well, how come I haven't achieved those?
We care about other people's opinions - use that!
So first of all, I think other people is a really neglected thing in motivation. It's pretty simple, but it's really true that if you try and do stuff on your own and you haven't got anyone else involved, they don't know what you are trying to achieve and therefore you can't be seen to win, but you can't be seen to fail.

And it turns out that loss aversion is a much bigger motivator for action in the day-to-day world. So if you're going to be seen by somebody who's being late at work and you think you're going to lose your source of income, i.e. your job or a piece of employment and you're going to look a professional and people are going to look down at you, you're very highly motivated to do that thing.

How much work do you put into thinking how bad life's going to be if you don't achieve your business short term goals?

So how can you apply that to your own business?
How to get accountability
I would suggest you want to make as many promises to other people as you can, and then make sure you hold yourself to them. That's the first thing. Shareholders. Customers if you're selling products on Amazon or an e-commerce site getting something out there and forcing yourself to get into action really forces you to stay in action in my experience.

And of course, your own community of peers, nobody wants to look like an unsuccessful person in the community of peers. Just make sure you judge success in the right way.

. Now I want to explore a couple of things as well about how I specifically would make sure that I, even though I'm not a person who's naturally on time, I would make sure I got to a train or for that matter, years before that would be driving to appointments.
Extreme Short Term Goal clarity