Following up on Amazon reviews with automated email is simpler than you think. We talk to Henson Wu on strategies that are sure to catch attention.

Results from FeedbackWhiz - often go from 1% review rate to 3-8% when following up on Amazon reviews with automated email.

If you do nothing, 70% of the time, it’s going to be a negative review. 

Since you now just get one shot these days - you need to maximize the opportunity. 

It needs to be highly optimised - headline, body 

You can add a logo, animated images etc. 

Open rates and subject lines
Pre-made templates and customising
When you send it is important!
Who audience is and why

Subject Line
The subject line is critical - to get a review rate of 8% you’ll need to get an open rate of 50%+

Being direct if you know someone is good when following up on Amazon reviews with automated email.

But being too direct is actually NOT good for marketing emails. 

It tends to get ignored by buyers. 

Subject lines like “Could you rate this product?”

That won’t get opened well because

- they know what it says so don’t open

Don’t have time

So you need to get people to open it to 

An example of to do with “Amazon Order ID your order inc order number/product name

Reason to open the email! eg:


~The highest converting ones are things like: 

“Regarding your Amazon order ID ####”
“Pertaining to Amazon no. #….” (populate the order ID)

That can get anywhere from 40-60% open rate

The buyer wonders - is there something wrong?
Split testing
Split testing tool up to 5 subject lines! When following up on Amazon reviews with automated email.

Within each campaign, FBW will track the open rates. 

FBW you can set up a campaign to go out for each product. 

You can set up up to 5 subject lines, tracked over a lot of orders. 

Over 1000 orders/day, it will be quick to determine it. 

If you get 500 orders/mo, you may need to wait a month. 
Multiple brands 
Logo inside emails is important - use it!

You get a lot of demographics eg: age, where from etc. 

You will have to understand your audience. 

And have to convert them after you get to them. 

Say baby products, the audience - women 25-40

Maybe they like pics of babies or dogs. 

So you need to figure out who the audience is, and what will get them to convert. 
Customising for say 20 ASINs
You can select exactly which ASINs to tie to that template.

You can also tag.
 Seller Feedback and reviews
What’s the conversion ratio from Seller feedback to product review? 

A lot of people are doing this and getting results. 

If someone left your seller feedback, it means they are willing to take the time.

The hardest thing is to get someone to click on a button and spend 2 minutes. 

So the chances of a product review are pretty high. 
Amazon only allows one review request per order. 

So if you ask for seller feedback, you’re technically sending too many emails. 

It’s outside TOS if you have both. 

Some of the biggest sellers ask for seller feedback - People doing this already have good reviews say 1000s of reviews. So they don’t push this. 

So some sellers only ask for reviews if they left 5* feedback. 

Then send a review request email based on the seller feedback. 

You can also have separate feedback that targets 5* feedback. 

Again, don’t put in language that also talks about reviews. 

Just be careful how you track this. 

If you just ask them to transfer what they wrote in the feedback, that would be against TOS, if only to 5*feedback people. 

Whereas if you’re just sending a generic email, it’s okay. 
How to track this and get data
It’s hard to track this! Inserts, emails, other things. 

If you turn off your email automation, you can look at the changes in the data. 
Experimentation is the only way
There are a lot of factors.