You have to tailor your message to that specific Ecommerce customer avatar. It sounds simple but you have to be thoughtful about the message and image.

Who is shopping and what matters to them

Durable and also professional and tough and feminine
Who is your customer/customer avatar
It would be simplistic to say for example that all women who want backpacks want the same thing. 
Backpacks for female business owners
Let’s say you try to sell backpacks for female business owners as your Ecommerce customer avatar.

What happens is that others still see that as the most trustworthy backpack. 

It has the ability to go broader than the target customer. 
Backcountry backpacks
That are not that many people that do intense backcountry journeys

But people like to assemble the dried meals and hiking boots and the backpacks - when people want the best, they are going to look to the more core customer. 
You can tailor your message to that specific Ecommerce customer avatar.

One of the biggest and simplest errors to fix in new listings:

Sellers do months doing product research etc. 

People say things like “our material is the strongest in the market” 

It’s focussed on the business and the product. 

But the buyer needs it to be about themselves, not about the product or your company. 

You need to be able to talk about the problem of your zipper getting puckered in your bag. 
For new sellers
Launching 1st product - no whole catalogue for your Ecommerce customer avatar.

But begin brand development

Helps position you ready to launch own site
Why plunge into this
It’s not hard to do

It should not only shape listing. 

Shape types of products to present. 

Also updates that you make 
“A picture is worth 1000 words” 

If it’s worth so many, however, WHICH words?

Being thoughtful about what the message is in the image, you can control the idea they take away. 
Example - coffee grinder
If you have a picture that is a bunch of people sitting around a campfire, and everyone is drinking coffee. 

The idea you’re trying to communicate is you can recreate the ritual of the day in a different environment. 
Reinforce points in infographics
There are maybe points you mention in the listing copy, but you want

There may be more literal points - you must get across important benefits or details:

 Either pique curiosity
Build confidence
Seal the deal 

EBC - Enhanced Brand Content
Does it matter?

Emma is still a fan of it, especially in competitive categories

It’s a way to set yourself apart
Depending on the device the shopper is on, the description may be buried (desktop), so the first point of contact is worth considering

EBC and indexing concern

EBC or A+ content feels like you
Even if your standard description is not visible, that doesn’t mean you can’t have all the words in the standard description

As customers become more sophisticated and want to identify with a brand. 
EBC enables you to give everything you wanted in infographics
It’s the perfect place to communicate multiple points across multiple different photos and text boxes. 


Free offers from  Emma: Free listing analysis (Click below) 
Amazon Listings
Maximize your conversions with well-crafted, keyword-rich listings that grab and hold customers’ attention.
Marketing Consulting
Get personalized, tailored guidance on every step of your marketing journey.
Newsletters and Email Campaigns
Reinvigorate your mailing list with copy that entices subscribers to open your emails and engage with your brand.
Blog Posts
Introduce a new perspective with a guest post from Emma, or post new content that attracts and excites a tribe of loyal customers.
Video Scripts
Peak interest with engaging captions and voice-over scripts that are equal parts sales and story.
