Brand Identity Definition
If you're selling your products on a website, it's important to give your brand an identity. The best way to do this is with a brand strategy. A brand strategy can help you understand what makes your product different and how to communicate that to customers. It also helps you decide when it's time for a rebranding project! What is a brand identity definition? A brand identity is everything your customers associate with your products and company. A brand strategy is a plan that helps you decide how to communicate your brand. This includes things like what your logo will look like, what colors you'll use and how you're going to talk about yourself. It's all about understanding who your customers are, what they need from your product, and how you can meet those needs better than anyone else!

Timestamps for Podcast
[00:35:02] Intro: Curated Marketplace For Custom Design
[01:41:77] What is Brand Identity?
[03:37:07] Crowdspring Offers A Wide Variety of Designer Types
[06:49:41] Brand Perception is Guided By The Companies
[09:37:82] The Product Has To Be Good But So Does The Whole Experience
[12:07:36] What Are The Steps In Creating A Brand Identity From The Beginning?
[12:38:30] The Core Brand : Visual Identity
[14:03:35] Transferring Your Design Into Packaging
[16:37:32] Brand Consistency
[18:13:38] How Do We Get Consistency?
[20:53:53] How Do We Create Brand Guidelines? Is it Necessary to Hire Someone?
[23:03:76] Branding and Packaging
[27:22:64] Crowdspring and their Services
About our Guests- Jason Byer and Crowd Spring
Are the  99 Designs of e-commerce with two tweaks. Firstly, they have a very highly selected set of designers.  Secondly, their designers  include  industrial designers (aka product designers).

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What Does a Successful Brand Identity Look Like?
If you want to build a successful brand identity, you need to start with the basics. Brand identity is the sum of all the elements that make up your brand. This includes not only what you say about your business and how it’s doing, but also how others perceive these things by looking at your logo and website, reading some of your content on social media, or watching videos on YouTube.

A successful brand identity is one where all these components work together as part of an overall strategy that helps customers understand what makes this company different from others in its market niche. It does this through:

A well-defined promise or value proposition;
Clear messaging (whether verbal or visual);
Consistent branding across platforms; and
Appropriate use of colours, fonts and imagery

How to Create a Great Brand Identity for Your eCommerce Business
A great brand identity is one that is recognizable and distinct. This means that it should be consistent across all channels, including your website, social media platforms, packaging and marketing campaigns.

Being consistent with your brand identity will allow you to establish trust among consumers. That helps them feel comfortable making purchases from you. Your logo is the key component of this. Make sure it stands out from other logos. That way, customers can easily identify it as belonging to your company. Your logo should also be memorable so that customers don't forget about you after they've made their purchase.

By using the same colors, fonts and images consistently throughout all aspects of your business operations (including packaging), you'll create an environment where customers are comfortable making purchases from you. They know exactly what they're getting into when they see one of these characteristics associated with any type of product purchased online.

How to Get Consistent Brand Identity
Creating a strong visual communication system helps make sure everyone at your company knows how each other's work fits into the bigger pictur...