Today I'm in the car driving, and my mind is turning over on lots of metaphors to do with satnavs and navigation. Where do you want to go and how are you going to get there? Very good questions for life and business.
Do you have a sense of direction in business? 
Hi, this is Michael Veazey from amazing FBA.

So I am a driver with, I guess just over 30 years experience now. I'm an average driver , but I'm terrible at navigation. And I do think that a lack of sense of direction can be a problem in business and life as it can most clearly and obviously in the physical realm of navigation. Now if that's you, how do we, what are the problems and how do we solve them?
Goldratt's 3 Questions framework 
Well, a good framework, I think for solving lots of problems is Goldratt's three questions. Eliahu Goldratt wrote an amazing book called The Goal. He asked three very simple. profound questions . And my thanks to my old podcast cohost, Jason Miles of OmniRocket. If you need direct to consumer site advice, particularly based in America, then Jason and his partner, Kyle Hamer are the people to go to.

So Jason put me onto the goal and The Goal has the three questions, which are:

Number one, what do we want to change? Number two, what do we want to change it to? And number three, how are we going to make that change?

Now, if you think about a sat nav, really it encapsulates that in a very physical form.

Where do we want to go? Normally you put that in. Where are we is already answered by the GPS positioning satellites that are linked up to the satellite navigation system. And then how are we going to get there is really the question the satellite navigation answers, isn't it? It navigates you gives you the path, gives you the roads and the route.
Simplify your life like a Satnav!
Now let's think about this, break this down. Cause there's a pretty profound metaphor, I think. And that doesn't mean I've come up with anything clever, but it's clear. And I like clarity because real life is murky and messy and difficult.

I'm driving currently to Cardiff where I years ago, I studied conducting

orchestras are very, very, very complex because you have a lot of people trying to make music, at the same time as each other. You've got the whole social dynamic of a whole bunch of people. And then you've got the music itself in front of you the score, which is like as the blueprint for construction. They say architecture is frozen music and music has kind of architectural site blueprints and they're very precise things.

My orchestra conducting teacher fantastic guy, lots of common sense, said," So, Mike we deal with complicated things. But our job is not to add complexity as conductors is as the leader. Musical leader. It's to simplify."

And so hopefully this this metaphor like a lot of mindset metaphors is a simplification device It is of course too simple to just simply apply to life, but I think it's close enough to be pretty robust.
Where are you really now? 
Okay, so for somebody who hasn't got a What do I need to do?
Well, first of all clarify, where are you? You may not know where you are in your life and your business. We talked before about the most people, the average person thinks they're above average. The average business owner, in my experience, thinks their business is better than it really is, as assessed by anyone who might.
So you buy the business or anyone, he's got a hard nosed reason to pay money, to buy it or to invest in it. Guess what? They're going to want some proof. So I would say that the first thing to do, if you want to figure out what you're doing is you know, work out where you are.
Where do you want to be?
The second thing is then work out, clarify where you want to be.

Now, the truth is about that.

I'm not always goal oriented enough. I'm a bit more problem centric and I'm a bit more granular. So that's maybe why I deal with the problems immediately in front of me and w...