Amazon wholesale marketing is one of the key things to learn when optimizing your Amazon business. Optimizing your listing to produce high impact.

Dan Meadors of The Wholesale Formula has a business in Reverse sourcing wholesale.

Their Amazon business has done $25 Million in revenue over its lifetime.

They have Taught 1000s the same model, and have had  100s of student success stories
Free Workshop:

Walking through the details of the process, with examples of product selection; how many units you can sell when sharing a buy box.
Reverse sourcing wholesale

Find a product doing well on Amazon
Contact manufacturer directly
Become an authorised seller of the products

Traditional route
Go to the traditional distributor - blind bad - very inefficient.

Reverse sourcing means you go directly to the brand who controls IP in Amazon wholesale marketing.
How do you decide what to sell?
Finding product on Amazon.

Realistically there isn’t a better place to look!
3 Main Criteria for selecting from listings:

Amazon doesn’t sell the product
Products with 3 or more sellers
The product sells numerous times a month

Amazon doesn’t sell
It’s not that you can’t compete

It’s that they don’t play fair. You can’t share the buy box.
You can beat Amazon but only by lower pricing.
Whenever Amazon is on a product, it’s harder to change the listing.

Products with 3 or more sellers
Why not be exclusive?

Because you’re starting from a point where you know the brand will work with 3rd party sellers.

Then it’s opportunity cost - you can’t contact all the brands!

If they are single seller products, they are likely to either be a private label product; or an exclusive relationship. 
The product sells numerous times a month
That means a minimum of 40 sales/month.

Wholesale is a cashflow rewarding business model. [you turn your cash over fast]

The worst possible thing is that your money dies.

So you have to focus on products that have a consistent product selling history.
How does Wholesale compare to Private Label in terms of cash required and cash turnover?
The vast majority of products are ordered domestically.

They don’t have a warehouse, may use a prep centre.

First of all, you pay your supplier for the products.

Then they ship in the product immediately

It’s often 7 days or less!
Free Workshop: 

Walking through the details of the process, with examples of product selection; how many units you can sell when sharing a buy box.
Credit means much better cashflow
Often get 30-day terms!

Often you can often sell through a lot of the product.

Private Labellers struggle with getting enough cash.
Predictable cash flow
This can be a lot safer than PL for making sure that cash is consistently moving.

If you look at Retail Arbitrage, it’s still more cash-intensive, Because you always pay for inventory upfront.
Why Private Label sellers make good Wholesale sellers
If you look at the skillset that makes up Private Labelling:

The vast majority of listings on Amazon are terrible!

For the brands that Dan works with, they have established fans and followers of the brand. Whenever you can optimise the listing, it has such a high impact immediately.

Private Labellers usually have this expertise of optimising listings.
Approaching manufacturer directly
The reason a brand would be interested in working with you IS that optimisation ability.

Most retailers have a transactional relationship with brands in Amazon wholesale marketing.

Whereas Dan’s model focusses on adding value eg

Optimize listings
Work on pictures

Then the brands start wanting to work exclusively with Dan’s company.

Each brand needs its own expert. This skill is currently in high demand.

That demand is only going to go up.

Right now, private label brands are overtaking established brands.