Let’s be honest: Amazon Seller Central does not make it easy to see how much profit you are making from the Amazon system. It emphasizes sales to such a degree that any seller might start to feel the other financial metrics are unimportant. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

In this episode, Sara Golla of Seller Spike and I explore what Amazon costs are often ignored by Amazon sellers. We ask what the classic errors sellers make in handling Amazon cost data. And Sara tells us what the most important financial KPIs are for her customers.

You'll Learn:

Why Amazon’s seller profit is important
What do you track with Seller Spike
What should you track in profit and loss/settlements that is easily overlooked
Metrics that you should track that are easily missed
How does “data-driven” vs “data-informed” look on the P & L side
What KPIs do your sellers find most important
The classic mistakes sellers make analyzing this info
P & L features do Seller Spike you offer Amazon Sellers