We are finishing the interview with Brian Burt of Amazon Influencer Marketing. He had been giving some really good information that you can implement right now at no cost. We’re talking effective Amazon marketing at no cost.

Last episode we were talking about reaching out to micro-influencers, those are the one with 1000-10000 followers and approaching them with free content. The cynic in you may not think that’s not a good plan but I can vouch for that. As a podcaster, I must create content on a regular basis or I risk falling in the Apple Podcasts rankings. These influencers need regular content to stay relevant and you’re giving them a solution by offering valuable content.
Brian’s “Hero’s Journey” Amazon Marketing Strategy
As humans, we are genetically disposed to stories. That’s how early humans remember events and history before written language. So, people love and remember stories. If you listened to the first part of this interview in the last episode, you probably remember how Brian got his start. One of the best Amazon marketing strategies is to use your brand’s story.

You want to approach these influencers with your story. What drove you to come up with your product? What need did you have that wasn’t being met? Then explain how your product is the solution to the problem. Play to their emotions. The influencer will better remember your brand’s story, and when they relate that story to their audience, they too will remember.
Build Their Review
Once you communicate your brand’s story, then it’s time to hit them with the content. You’re basically writing the review for them. You want to hit the high point of your product. What does your product do for people? Go over all the primary and especially the secondary benefits. The aspects that aren’t so obvious.
Influencer Marketing with Unsexy Products
It may be obvious that this will work for sexier products. Health or diet items are always trendy. Brian’s selfie sticks were a huge item. However, what about products that aren’t as mainstream or glamorous.

Let’s go through a couple examples of how this Amazon marketing strategy works with unsexy products. We’ll start with a mic stand. If you’ve watched a recent episode on YouTube you may have noticed the microphone arm I use. It’s nothing fancy, just a simple tool that’s not meant to be seen. Now think about podcasters. There are thousands of podcasters with small but engaging audiences.

What about a spatula? It doesn’t get more unsexy than that, right? Well, think about it. How many cooking channels are there on YouTube? There are thousands of YouTubers that have cooking channels.
Become the Influencer
There’s another sure-fire way to get easier access to Amazon influencer marketing and that’s to become the influencer. If you do all the research and find there isn’t an influencer, then become that expert. If you have your own audience, there is no easier way to promote your product. You’re the person they know, like, and trust.
The Influencer Platforms
This is an incredibly brief look at the platforms so we’re going to have Brian on again so we can dive deeper. But for now, here we go.
YouTube is great. It’s probably the most effective and has longevity. You may put a video out and it won’t do well, then six months you have a massive spike in sales because the algorithm was favorable to you. It lasts forever.

Another great tip is to download the video. You can use http://keepvid.com. Download the influencers video and reutilize it elsewhere. You can take a screenshot and make a quote card in http://canva.com and send that to your email list.
Instagram is next on the list and tied with blogs. Influencers tend to start on one platform then branch out to other platforms. Many Instagramers may have a blog.
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Amazon marketing is more than just selling more units. Using Amazon influencer marketing has shown to boost listings so they rank on page one and ...