Amazon SEO – or “Amazon keyword ranking” – is rightly more than important – it’s almost an obsession of any focussed ecommerce operator who sells on Amazon.

Getting your product listing to rank on Amazon for powerful keywords is indeed incredibly important.

Having talked in the last live (or last 2 podcast episodes) about the strategic drivers, today we discuss some practical action steps to get your products ranked for valuable keywords on Amazon?
What you’ll learn

How boost traffic to your Amazon listing without advertising
How to conduct keyword research
How to refine your keyword lists
Best practices in keyword research
How A+ content impacts search engine optimization on Amazon
Is adjusting the main image a good hack for SEO / ranking?

Resources for Amazon SEO

Viral Launch
Helium 10 
Jungle Scout
Google SEO Training: by Tommy Griffith, former Head of SEO, PayPal & AirBnB
Steve Pope of My Amazon Guy