Mindset for Entrepreneurs and eCommerce Sellers
This autumn, I'm going to be creating a series of podcast episodes dedicated to the theme of mindset for entrepreneurs. The reason why I'm creating this series is simple. In the 2 1/2 years I've been coaching new sellers, it is - somewhat to my surprise - the biggest block to progress for new ecommerce entrepreneurs.

What do I mean by "Mindset for Entrepreneurs"?
Good question. First of all, by "mindset for entrepreneurs ", I do not mean  some quick NLP "hacks" or sales techniques.  This is a very pragmatic, real-life based set of practical steps and actionable insights.

It's also about sustainable mindset change, not the sugar high of a hack. So you're following some 21-year-old who has made some money for five months and knows how to get 50,000 YouTube followers. Great. Desirable tactical abilities for sure. Learn what's on offer. Still, in your heart, you know it's not the way to create sustainable wealth. And I would agree with you!

Hence the need for a deeper solution.

For sure, we are going to include such seemingly mundane blocks as time management. Mechanics and technique, right? Well, dig deeper. Managing time productively implies the  question: what am I trying to even produce? Which is of course goal setting.

But where do these goals come from? And, having set goals, and even pencilled some time into the diary, how do we assure that actually happens? Grand plans with little action are as common as leaves on a true. How do we actually get into action? And stay in action?

These are some of these reasons why I'm creating this mindset for entrepreneurs series.

This episode: Mindset overview and Some “Quick” Wins
Three "Quick" Wins Habits to set up the right Mindset for entrepreneurs

Daily journalling (review your day)
Gratitude lists

Why bother?

Turns out* that mindset issues are the No.1 block to entrepreneurs starting actual businesses

Lack of Confidence
Lack of Motivation
Poor Time management

Resentment/Self pity
Some naturally have them
Others have worked at them
That includes some pretty Alpha male/hardcore people

Arnie meditated for a decade

Ben Cummings meditates most mornings Before starting his day
Some naturally have them
Others have worked at them

Journalling Your shortcomings/bad events - a key development in the mindset for entrepreneurs 

Be Aware what has gone wrong 

Admit when you’re wrong
Forgive others when you turn out to be wrong

Done daily, I really notice the change in my mindset

Your shortcomings - another 

Be Aware what has gone wrong 
Admit when you’re wrong
Forgive…yourself and others
Do this daily and notice the change

Framework for "Mindset for Entrepreneurs" series: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (Stephen R. Covey)
Inside out 
Be proactive
Begin with the end in mind
Put first things first

"Inside out" 
The new "old" secret to entrepreneur mindset
personality vs. Character ethics
Past 50 years - superficial band aids, aspirin
Personality ethic
Addressed acute problems
First 150 years
Basic principles of effective living (also of Mindset for entrepreneurs)

the golden rule

Ben Franklin’s autobiography
Personality ethic:
Public Relations techniques
Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)
Manipulative techniques
Reference to character ethic lip service

Personality growth
Education in influence strategies
Positive thinking

These are Secondary, not primary, traits in the right mindset for entrepreneurs
"Only basic goodness gives life to technique.”
Stephen Covey
“What you are shouts so loudly in my ears that I cannot hear what you say”

Principles (of genuine Mindset for entrepreneurs)