Why Amazon Masterminds?
Want to double your revenue? Find the latest tactics and stay ahead of the curve?

These sound like a pitch for the latest high-tech software, right?

Well you'd be wrong. I'm talking about good old-fashioned face-to-face, interactive Amazon masterminds here.

Through Amazon masterminds, I've personally found an amazing Amazon business partner, learnt many tactics that have made me $1000s extra, and been offered deals worth $100K+ a month of revenue.

But let me you how I got here...
My background with Amazon masterminds
First, I should give some background and confess. I’ve been a member of a private Amazon mastermind of my peers (Amazon sellers) for about 18 months now.
I also set up and ran (free) peer-group Amazon mastermind meetings myself about 2 ½  years ago, which ran for a while. That sputtered out because the people weren't really committed. And I was wanting to focus on selling on Amazon, not running a mastermind for uncommitted people.
I took the learnings from both Amazon masterminds and created something better.
 So I’ve been running a successful (modestly) paid Amazon mastermind meetings for about a year via Amazing FBA (I recently set up a new  Amazon mastermind for new sellers, i.e., those who haven’t launched yet)

The reality of Amazon masterminds
First thing: yes, of course I'm going to mention my own masterminds, at least in passing . I run two Amazon masterminds each month. I’m writing an article about how important masterminds/masterminds are. It's bound to come up! But I'm here to share my experiences of masterminds, not to pitch my own (if you do want to read the pitch for my masterminds/masterminds, of course, click here!)
Second thing: there's a reason why I run an Amazon  mastermind each month. Because I believe it's one of the most powerful ways I can truly help Amazon entrepreneurs.
Third thing: from everything I can observe of truly successful Amazon entrepreneurs - it’s (still) true that every one of them is a member of some kind of Amazon mastermind or mastermind!

I guess as a person who needs interaction and inspiration, I’m biased. But...
Coincidence? I don’t think so. 

My own wins from Amazon masterminds
I personally have got so many results directly from being in masterminds. I've found an amazing Amazon  business partner; sold thousands from secret techniques shared within the closed walls of a mastermind; and been invited into strategic partnerships to do deals involving $100s of thousands in revenue.

These results are not chance. But they equally would never have come about simply from networking on the superficial level(valuable as that is) at Amazon conferences.

“What do you mean by ‘Amazon masterminds’?”
First, let’s start of by defining our terms.
‘Amazon’ as a business opportunity can be exploited by a huge variety of business models.  There could be around 14 business models, according to some authorities. That sounds about right. Certainly common ones include Retail Arbitrage; Online Arbitrage; Drop-Shipping; Wholesaling.
When I say “Amazon”, my particular focus here (and that of the podcast/blog and coaching programmes) is selling Private Label products via Amazon FBA.
Secondly, what are we talking about with a ‘mastermind’?

When so-called “Amazon masterminds” are not really a masterminds
I think it’s almost easier to say what masterminds are not. They are NOT, as far as I’m concerned, a mass meeting of 100 people where someone from the front discusses or teaches a lesson.
Don't get me wrong. Big meetings can be very valuable -and by the way, Andy Geldman of Webretailer runs an excellent London Amazon meet up most months, where they have really helpful speakers. I’ve spoken there recently and was very impressed with the setup. It’s a great place to learn new strategies and tactics, and to network. But to my mind, it’s not a mastermind (and nor does Andy claim it is, just to be clear!)