Amazon Listing for people
An Amazon Listing written for people! -A radical tactic!
I know, I know. Sounds like I’ve lost it, right? All anyone ever talks about is how to beat the Algorithm, right? We’re now onto A9 as far as I remember (sounds like a Doctor Who robot).

Of course it’s important to please the Mighty Algo of Amazon. But we lose track of human readers at our peril.

At least, that’s the message I got loud and clear from one of my recent podcast guests, Dana Derricks.
Amazon Listing Optimization Webinar
Go to if you want to hear from Dana Derricks personally about Amazon listings, in an exclusive Webinar. That's coming up on Thursday July 20 at 8 pm British Summer Time (midday Pacific; 3 pm Eastern). 

Dana is a quiet, shy and retiring American chap who says things like “Go big or go home” and who claims modestly that he is “The No. 1 Amazon Copywriter in the World”.

Having optimized 100s of Amazon listings,  Dana does, in fact, have a fair claim to the title. His most famous result was to take one client from $50,000 a month income (which is nice work) to $3,000,000 a year, which is crazy.

After writing Amazon listings day in, day out for about 4 years, he was eventually also charging $10,000 to write Amazon listings for his clients- per listing!

If you want to hear from Dana Derricks personally about Amazon listings, he is doing an exclusive Webinar on Thursday July 20 at 8 pm British Summer Time (midday Pacific; 3 pm Eastern). 

To register for that, just go to:

So here are just a few of the many lessons I could give you from Dana about writing words in an Amazon listing:
Photography in an Amazon listing attracts but doesn’t motivate to act
A bold statement but one Dana is in a position to prove, with frequent results like a 30+% increase in sales after he worked his magic on clients’ listings.

Of course great photos are vital in an Amazon listing these days - but the point about words is to motivate shoppers to take action.

For any of us (mostly Brits) who sell on i.e. in the old U.S. of A., a difference in national styles is an immediate cultural barrier we have to smash down before we can get anywhere.

Writing Amazon listings in a way that Brits would be comfortable with is a recipe for failure in America.

America is a more crowded, more aggressive space in general when it comes to all forms of retail and advertising.

But when it comes to Amazon, that steps up several gears. Simply put, in 2017, Amazon is brutal.

For those of us in London, my best analogy is Trafalgar Square on - say - Gay Pride day or something, (which I realised accidentally was on the other day when I foolishly tried to cycle that way. It was like trying cycle through a bar just before closing time. Don’t try this).

Hot, crowded, noisy - sure, you have plenty of crowds to sell things to, but you have to cut through the noise, and you have to get past the competition.

If you want to hear from Dana personally, he is doing an exclusive FREE Webinar on Thursday July 20 at 8 pm British Summer Time (midday Pacific; 3 pm Eastern). 

To register for that, just go to:

Dana’s analogy is more apposite of course - you need to treat your listing like a 20-second infomercial on TV.
Never waste space in an Amazon listing
A golden rule is: don’t waste space.

You wouldn’t pay for a 20-second TV slot and use only 15 seconds of it - so don’t do the equivalent with your Amazon listing.

So - when it comes to words, there are four areas of an Amazon listing to optimize:
The Title
The Bullets
The Description
And The Backend (the fields you have in the last tab on Amazon Seller Central when you edit a listing)

We'll cover each of those in turn during the next 4 episodes.

To hear from Dana personally, he is doing an exclusive FREE Webinar on Thursday July 20 at 8 pm British Summer Time (midday P...