High School Shooting sports are at risk of funding. I think most folks don’t understand this issue at its core. Now coming to light are some of the most outrageous overreaches which should wake people up. The Biden administration not only is pushing to defund one of the fastest growing High-School sports, shooting sports. They are trying to defund Archery and Hunters Education. Weak minded Republicans are also to blame for this mess due to a bill comprising the issue which is now being misinterpreted to defund these activities.

Mark also shares some insight into his recent co-authoring of an article in a wildlife biology journal. This publication was in rebuttal to a group of quail biologists who claimed that Bobwhites would be better off today if they were included in the migratory bird treaty act. Mark brings up some interesting points in the debate and shares more about the publication.

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Grouse Hunts - Fall Musky - Call Brian at 920-277-5750

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