What is the cause of bird flu? How does bird flu spread to humans? Is bird flu contagious? What are the symptoms of avian flu in humans? Is milk safe to drink? Our guest is Jay Butler, MD, deputy director for infectious diseases at the CDC. American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts.

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πŸ—ΊοΈ CDC current avian flu map: https://ama-assn.co/avianflu_map

πŸ₯› Wondering about bird flu in milk? Visit FDA milk safety: https://ama-assn.co/FDA_milk

πŸ„ Googling "high path avian influenza"? Get the Avian influenza HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detections in Livestock): https://ama-assn.co/FDA_HPAI

πŸ’§ Bird flu tracking via CDC wastewater surveillance by state: https://ama-assn.co/H5N1_wastewater

πŸ’» For bird flu news visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC H5N1 Bird Flu Current Situation Summary (CDC H5N1 technical report): https://ama-assn.co/CDC_H5N1

πŸ” Instead of searching "what is bird flu", get clinical information, the latest CDC updates and more AMA resources: https://ama-assn.co/BirdFlu

🚨 If the CDC issues new health warning, get the latest CDC health alert 2024 via the Health Alert Network (HAN CDC website): https://ama-assn.co/CDC_HAN