What is lifestyle medicine? Is lifestyle medicine a medical specialty? What are the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine? What do doctors do when they retire?

Our guest is Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD, president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts.

💻 Get more information on lifestyle medicine board certification via the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine: https://ablm.org/lifestyle-medicine-certification/

🥼 Wondering what do lifestyle medicine doctors do? Access CME resources from American College of Lifestyle Medicine here: https://lifestylemedicine.org/

📚 For articles and research on lifestyle diseases, check out the lifestyle medicine journal: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/AJL

🔍 Googling "lifestyle medicine doctors near me"? Visit: https://www.lifestylemedpros.org/home

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