What are the goals of the American Medical Association? Is Medicare unsustainable? Do doctors lose money on Medicare patients? What is the AMA position on prior authorization? Our guest is AMA Senior Vice President of Advocacy, Todd Askew. American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts.

🩺 The AMA is your powerful ally in patient care. Join now: https://ama-assn.co/JoinRenew

πŸ“‹ AMA prior authorization survey: https://ama-assn.co/PriorAuth_stats_PDF

πŸ“ Googling "prior authorization laws by state"? Use AMA prior authorization state law chart: https://ama-assn.co/PriorAuth_laws_PDF

πŸ“’ AMA prior authorization physician advocacy examples: https://ama-assn.co/PriorAuth_training_PDF

πŸ“œ AMA prior authorization model bill: https://ama-assn.co/PriorAuth_legislation_PDF

πŸ›οΈ Wondering what is scope of practice and why is it important? See AMA fighting scope creep examples: https://ama-assn.co/ScopeExpansion

πŸ—ΊοΈ Searching for why do scope of practice laws vary by state? Access free resources and examples of scope creep PDF: https://ama-assn.co/ScopeCreep_PDFs

πŸ›‘ AMA efforts to #StopScopeCreep: https://ama-assn.co/ScopeOfPractice

Wondering "What does the AMA lobby for"? Check out the AMA Progress Report: https://ama-assn.co/progress_report_PDF

βš–οΈ AMA efforts on Medicare payment reform: https://ama-assn.co/Medicare

πŸ—£ Get involved! Tell Congress to fix Medicare now: https://ama-assn.co/FixMedicareNow

πŸ“¨ Stay up to date on all the latest advocacy news by subscribing to AMA Advocacy Update: https://ama-assn.co/Advocacy_newsletter

πŸ’ͺ See how the AMA fights for physicians: https://ama-assn.co/FightingForDocs