The journey to a dementia diagnosis for millions of people and their families is fraught with the stigma of a disease currently with no cure. 

BrainStorm host, Meryl Comer, and guest, Deborah Kan, discuss the early stages of the Alzheimer's journey, the devastating diagnosis, and the realities of what comes next. Deborah Kan is a journalist and former editor for The Wall Street Journal Asia and Founder of Being Patient, a health platform solely dedicated to covering Alzheimer's disease. 

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s offers BrainGuide, a platform to help you or a loved one test your memory with customized support resources. Learn more at

You can help reduce stigma and misconceptions about dementia and empower others to speak freely and live life to the fullest. Share your experiences by email at [email protected]. The Story Project by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s: Giving Voice to What Matters Most will feature the stories of people who are living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

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