My name is Fabulous Fabina and today I take you on a healing journey. You and I are going to do a healing meditation.

First of all, I would like to point out that my voice makes you calm and therefore it is not advisable to drive a car and use machines.

I would also like to ask you to turn off your mobile phone, radio, TV and everything that makes noise and can disturb you during this trip. Go to a place where you are quiet and alone where you can enjoy yourself and the peace.

The meditation will make you feel positif and appreciate to your smallest cell. 

Let my voice guide you…. I'm we go.

Music Fantasy+Ambience

Does my voice calm you down and don't you want to miss an episode of me? Then follow me on Spotify, Anchor or subscribe to i-tunes.

Feedback is always welcome at [email protected] or here on spotify you also have the option to do so.

My opinion is The more informed the better so follow me.

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Both Alternative Lifestyle by Fabulous Fabina

I'm looking forward to the next conversation, I hope you are too.

Thanks for listening and have an amazing day.

Healing regards

Fabulous Fabina