We made it to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier SEASON FINALE and we're feeling pretty proud.  I guess the old adage is true "misery loves company," because I was feeling pretty solid about the collective AE jabs at the cheesy writing and blatant social commentary.  Though, I overheard a gal tell Rob on a work call that she is "absolutely loving The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," that it's her "favorite Marvel series" and that she "loves it way more than Wandavision.  Of course all of this feels completely absurd, but to each their own.

As I've mentioned (so many times) this show has led us down so many different tangents.  We've met so many characters and only somewhat understand their motivations and we're left conflicted about what would even be satisfying for us at the point.  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier SEASON FINALE ends up attempting the not-so-small feat of tying up every possible loose end.  To add to the intrepidness, they roll all of this into the last 10 minutes of the episode.

To focus on the positive a bit, we do see that The Falcon has emerged anew, which some slick new gear.  He is in fact, no longer The Falcon, but instead a flying Captain America.  I have a whole set of issues with this, but you can listen to the episode to see if you agree.

All in all, would we personally recommend this series?  Well, we'll talk about that on the episode too!

In our shows Worth Mentioning segment, we get a little personal comfort food, if you will.  Brennan brings his thoughts on one his his childhood favorites, Animorphs.  Rob talks about a new docuseries This Is A Robbery, that he's been watching when I fall asleep at 9pm.  I cover the first episode of My Love: Six Stories of True Love, which I feel embarrassed about even as I type (but I'm probably going to keep watching on the ole' Nordictrack).

Share your thoughts on the episode in the comments or pre-submit your thoughts on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode we're covering to [email protected] to get in on the discussion!

Episodes in this series:
New World Order S1 E1
The Star-Spangled Man S1 E2
Power Broker S1 E3
The Whole World Is Watching S1 E4
Truth S1 E5

Episodes will be released every Wednesday!

Next Up! By Patreon request, we'll be diving head first into the first season of The Nevers.  We hope you'll watch along with us!


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