2019 has been a whirlwind of upheaval around the world: the rocky U.S.-China trade relationship, tiny Guyana’s oil bonanza, protests in Hong Kong, the return of Peronism to Argentina, growing cyberwarfare and worldwide attacks on press freedom. It begs the question – what does 2020 have in store? We identified the top five trends we believe will shape the international political stage in 2020: citizen unrest, the decline of the West, the climate emergency, end of privacy as we know it, and the new face of trade. Joining us to debate this list, prolific author and journalist David Rothkopf peers into the crystal ball and discuss the global issues to track in the coming year. Rothkopf served as U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade during the Clinton Administration and is also a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.



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