Do you often find yourself getting burnt out even before you start your day? Do you feel as if, despite performing well and being well-liked by everyone at work, you still feel down in the dumps? If all you can do when you look at your schedule is sigh, then maybe it’s time for you to step back and ask yourself if you are truly finding meaning in what you are doing.

What we focus on and where we find meaning change during our entrepreneurial journey. In this episode, we discuss how to recognize when you may have dipped out of alignment and how to get back on track. We also discuss the difference between your more permanent elements like your family statement of intent and your values versus your current focus and where you find fulfillment at the moment. We also expand on: 

Why changes in focus happen naturally as your life, family, and the world around us change How our bodies can physically indicate when we are out of alignment and what 'fighting' the process looks like How we have the opportunity to continually iterate not only in our business but also on how what we do is meaningful and connects to what matters most to us. 

Find meaning in your business today and tune in to this episode!

What’s Discussed in This Episode: 

Jarrod and Tiffany give an overview of today’s topic [04:16] Via negativa: Noticing the negative signs [07:58] Illness is another indicator of misalignment [09:10] The telltale signs of lack of meaning in your business [06:50] Having the freedom of time, attention, energy, and capital [10:38] Becoming an impact multiplier [11:28] Jarrod’s reasons for being an entrepreneur [10:29] Changing the world from their small, little corner [13:44] Pay attention to your relationship with time, money, attention, and capital [13:15] Creating an impact through wealth management [17:44] Women advancement and leadership roles [18:30] Tiffany’s reason for going into business [16:37] Hitting financial success through unhealthy means can create a disconnect between business and meaning [24:00] Increasing the connection between business and meaning is an incremental approach [25:56] Diverse boards outperform homogenous boards [26:42] Ways to better connect your business and meaning [22:02] Changing your outlook and transferring your knowledge [30:11] The best thing about today’s world is it’s permissionless [33:28] How to utilize business opportunities to connect to what’s meaningful to them [28:29]



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Episode 1, Statement of Intent and Values (

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