We will all exit our business someday. The question we need to answer is, “Am I being pushed to exit or pulled into it?” The distinction between the two is entirely about you as the entrepreneur and not about the business itself.


When you are being pushed, it is typically because you feel that you cannot continue with the business as it is. There is something missing which makes continuing not a viable option. A pull exit is when you feel something else pulling you to it. This is a feeling that something else is waiting for you, and you need to go to that something else. A pull exit is by far the better feeling.


Check out this week's episode of the Entrepreneur Aligned Podcast to learn examples of both and hear Jarrod's methodology on how to plan ahead for your business exit in the future.






Jarrod was born into financial planning and solving financial problems. With his financial advisor father Steve telling stories about finance around the dinner table from an early age, the idea that everyone has a different financial situation was always there. After an early professional career spent in nonprofit and government, Jarrod came back to his roots helping people plan and invest in 2011. Since then, he has worked with individual clients, led internal teams and ultimately became partner and the CEO of Destiny Capital in 2017. With a passion for helping entrepreneurs change the world, Jarrod ultimately oversaw the creation of Entrepreneur Aligned in 2020. With both Destiny Capital and Entrepreneur Aligned, Jarrod leads teams that help people live lives of abundance where money is simply a tool to let everyone be a positive force for the world around them. When he isn’t working with the talented teams for EA and DC you can find him chasing his twins, wily trout or a podium spot at an OCR race.




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DISCLOSURE: Jarrod Musick is an officer of Destiny Capital and Entrepreneur Aligned, a DBA of Destiny Capital. All opinions expressed by Jarrod are solely his own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of Destiny Capital or Entrepreneur Aligned. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. We recommend consulting with your wealth advisor, CPA/tax advisor and/or attorney, as applicable to your situation, prior to implementing a new investment strategy. Advisory services provided by Destiny Capital Corporation, a Registered Investment Adviser.

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