Listen as we catch up and share how Success From Scratch™ (the book) has received rave reviews and has gained momentum with fans.

Nick takes a live seller call that he is in negotiation to purchase his house.

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Make sure to order - Success From Scratch™ Mental Strategies for Success in a Survival of the Fittest Environment -   

Book snippet below

Without question, there is an infinite amount of material on how to succeed but the sad fact remains are the nil to none results. Success opportunities may be present, but there is a language barrier.  This book teaches you how to be fluent in the language of success and create real success from scratch.  

It does not matter if you are at knowledge scratch, financial scratch, or if you filed bankruptcy yesterday.  In fact, being at scratch has nothing to do with becoming successful.  Where you are starting from means nothing because with the right psychology and success language fluency you can produce success regardless of your environment. 

(Success From Scratch™ Mental Strategies for Success in a Survival of the Fittest Environment - Release date July 18, 2017)

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Business, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investing, business building, Millionaire, Success From Scratch, strategy, psychology, salesmanship, sales, persuasion, success, Real Estate,