On Episode 295 we discuss... → How did Ron get away with bringing a rat to school, anyway? → Are magical pets a reflection of their owners? OMG YES → "Errol's going to outlive them all." → Crackpot theories about Crookshanks and Mrs. Norris → Amphibious metamorphosis and how it compares to Neville → How phoenixes are like jellyfish... and hipsters → "In the Harry Potter universe, rabbits exist only to die." → Snakes, spiders, and creepers, oh my! → "I think Voldemort is the best pet owner." → Why do Squibs and cats get along so well? → Fang is a heckin' good boy - 14/10 would cuddle → Pygmy Puffs are THE CUTEST... but, BOGIE EATERS?!?

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