I am hosting the GREATEST Event of the year and YOU are invited to be my guest! You've heard me talk about how Spark & Hustle transformed me last year. You may have even watched as I've grown my own business and brand into something extraordinary. It all started when I attended Spark & Hustle. It is almost disturbing to think that there was actually a time when I had considered NOT ATTENDING. I had a million excuses... It's too expensive.... I am too busy with the kids... There will be too much work waiting for me when I get back... It's too hard to find a sitter I trust... I might not like my roommate... I won't learn anything I don't already know... I don't have anything to wear... I need to stay focused on the new diet I just started... REALLY??? Seriously. I was looking for any excuse not to attend. The truth? I was afraid. Ever feel like this? I had been working my tush off for 4 years without any significant results. I was tired, I was spread thin, I was sick of my hard work not paying off. I didn't know if I could attend one more conference or invest in one more "promise" that would ulitimately disappoint. Tory Johnson promised me it would all change if I went to Spark & Hustle. She delivered. I came home from Spark & Hustle completely transformed and clear on my intentions to excel in everything I was doing. In exactly 1 year since that magical weekend, this is what I've accomplished: I landed a Literary Agent and launched The Home Free Thrive Guide & Audio Series. I turned my initial listenership of only 800 into nearly 20,000! (and still growing!) I landed sponsors for my radio show, enough to pay for the production in full and then some! I grew the OurMilkMoney.com database by 1200%. I began coaching, raised my rates beyond what I ever considered I could be worth, and booked up so many time slots I had to create a waitlist for new clients! I moved my family out of out teeny tiny condo and into our dream home! I became a sought after and PAID public speaker! A DREAM come true. It's been a great year and I have only just begun. This Friday I am thrilled and honored to have the amazing Tory Johnson join us on the show. If you know her, you are most likely already positively affected by her. A woman with so much impact on the global women's movement, a creative force that inspires new talent and booming business concepts, and a true source of inspiration for so many. This is an interview you will not want to miss.